
Gianni Revello

Revello Giovanni snc

Bilateral Meetings

  • Saturday (10:00 am - 01:00 pm) Please add the cooperation profile
DescriptionAll information www.revellogiovanni.com or info@revellogiovanni.com
Organization Type SMEs
Areas of Activities

Agro-food manufacturing, food security, safety and quality control, food traceability, food conservation and shelf life

    Water technologies, space application to agriculture, environmental management

      Business Offer

      Agro-food pump winery pump

      Knapsack sprayer, dister . Peristaltic pump and piston pump and folli g Machine of bag in box

      Cooperation Offered
      1. Outsourcing co-operation
      2. Technical co-operation
      3. Manufacturing agreement
      Cooperation Requested
      1. Sales / Distribution