Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday (02:00 pm - 07.00 pm) Please add the cooperation profile
  • Saturday (10:00 am - 01:00 pm) Please add the cooperation profile
DescriptionEMitech (Electro Magnetic innovative technologies) is a leading company in the design and manufacturing of microwave systems called MISYA (Microwave System Applications).
Organization Type SMEs
Areas of Activities

Agro-food manufacturing, food security, safety and quality control, food traceability, food conservation and shelf life

    Technological Offer

    MISYA AGROFOOD - MICROWAVE SYSTEMS for food crops, vegetables, dairy, pasta

    MISYA (Microwave System Applications) technology represents an innovative application of microwaves, studied, planned and implemented by EMitech srl.
    MISYA Agrofood is the exclusive technology, patented by EMitech, for disinfestation, sterilization, pasteurization and drying treatments, through microwaves, of food crops like cereals, rice, legumes, fruits ad vegetables, pasta, dairy products, etc.
    Emitech is looking for any kind of partnership (joint venture, Agency/distribution agreements, Licensing agreements, Manufacturing agreements) to develop MYsia technology and to distribute Emitech Agrofood Equipment.
    General guidelines for partner search by EMitech are:
    • Interest in a relationship with a partner dealing with equipments and tools for agrofood industry or with a customer interested in using MYSIA technology • Compatible corporate vision/strategies
    • Compatible management styles
    • Compatible size
    • Effective two-way communications
    • Complementary products, markets and services
    • Financial strength and stability

    Keywords: foodcerealvegetablemicrowawericelegumesfruitsdairy
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Technical co-operation
    2. Outsourcing co-operation
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Sales / Distribution
    2. Manufacturing agreement
    3. License agreement
    4. Outsourcing co-operation