Fabio Sissot

Bioenergy Senior Expert
Agriconsulting S.p.A.

Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday (02:00 pm - 07.00 pm) Please add the cooperation profile
  • Saturday (10:00 am - 01:00 pm) Please add the cooperation profile
DescriptionPrivate consultant company in all the fields of agriculture. The bioenergy unit operates as consultant for bioenergy production. Based in Rome (italy), it has several office all around the world.
Agriconsulting was established as a private consulting firm in 1966 and is active abroad since 1972. The initial mission of Agriconsulting was to offer a modern approach to farm management and to promote efficient development of farms by applying sound economic principles, appropriate agricultural techniques, and the results of scientific research and experimentation. Agriconsulting has a permanent staff of 220 people and a significant number of international consultants working on projects all over the world. Since 1993 Agriconsulting has worked on projects related to the exploitation of biomass for energy purposes becoming one of the leading companies in Italy. It has set up a skilled network with research institutes, engineering enterprises and professional organization operating on bioenergy.
Agriconsulting has supported many utilities in the biomass supply programme and public entities in developing program on the bioenergy sector . The Company has been also involved in research and demonstration projects both at national and European level (last references: DEBCO - Demonstration of Large Scale Biomass Co-Firing and Supply Chain Integration – FP7 Collaborative Project with predominant demonstration component; BIOLYFE - Second generation BIOethanol process: demonstration scale for the step of Lignocellulosic hYdrolysis and FErmentation - FP7 Collaborative Project). From management side its structure has been strengthened to offer managerial and technical capabilities associated to efficient multilingual project administrative and secretarial services. Agriconsulting has led and managed several Consortia in the implementation of project management and technical assistance activities related to Framework Contracts. Agriconsulting has been recently involved in the management of the SMEs-NET (FP6 – SSA) and in TRUEFOOD projects (FP6 – IP of 15,5 million of Euro funding).

Organization Type SMEs
Areas of Activities

Agro-food manufacturing, food security, safety and quality control, food traceability, food conservation and shelf life

    Water technologies, space application to agriculture, environmental management

      Energy production, renewable energies

        Business Offer

        Technical assistance in the field of bioenergy and rural electrification

        We would like to activate projects for rural energy (electrification as well) in order to develope a good access to modern energy. We are searching opportunities of business with countries in transition economy.

        Keywords: BioenergyRural developmentRural energyRural electrification
        Cooperation Offered
        1. Outsourcing co-operation
        2. Technical co-operation
        Cooperation Requested
        1. Outsourcing co-operation
        2. Technical co-operation
        3. Investment/Financing